Thursday, November 20, 2014

I come to praise Caesar, not to bury him.

Tonight I went to see Julius Caesar at the Folger Shakespeare Library downtown. BTW, the Capitol dome is currently under scaffolding and it looks so cool at night, as though it's under its own bell jar. Had I taken my good camera, I'd have snapped a pic.

Crying "havoc" and letting slip the dogs of war.

The play was wonderful. I had two favorite moments (aside from Antony's funeral oration, of course). The first was when the conspirators were portrayed in a hellscape, enrobed as wraiths and hissing and moaning. It was like a dozen Nazgul on stage. Creepy!

"Give ussssss the riiiing!"

The second was when the little old man next to me started audibly snoring and his wife, a stylishly coiffed, fur-coat-wearing, little old lady hissed slowly and deliberately at him: "Wake. Up."

"Beware the Ides of March. Also an angry wife."


Dad said...

Since Julia has studied Julius Caesar, I read her your commentary. When it came to the old man snoring it evoked a long belly laugh from your niece.

Ali said...

Oh, I love her belly laugh! Can't wait to get big hugs Tuesday night.