Saturday, February 14, 2015

Julia's Valentine Box

When I was a kid, I always wanted to get mail. My dad would come home with the mail and I'd ask if there was anything for me (there usually wasn't) and I would dejectedly remark that I never get mail. "Well, this isn't anything fun," my father would say. "This is just an electric bill." No matter. It was mail. To this day, I still enjoy going to the mailbox. There's always the promise of something fun, even if that promise isn't always fulfilled.

So, it's extra fun putting together mail for my niece. Not only do I get the fun of assembling the package, but I get to imagine her delight when a cool-looking box arrives and she discovers it's got her name on it. Oh, the joy. Here's what she got for Valentine's Day. She called me when it arrived and she was so excited and I was so happy.



Megan said...

Glad to see Julia got hers. Mom mailed the kids a card and stickers, but the Post Office lost Olivia's. She had to send her a new one.

Ali said...

Oh no, Megs! I guess it must be Julia's Post Office "connections."

Megan said...

Well, it turns out mom forgot our PO Box number on the envelope. She just wrote our street number. We got it eventually. :)

Ali said...

Oh, no! And with all those postal people in our family.

*"Postal" meaning, of course, "of or related to the Postal Service," for that is the only way I'm permitted by my mother to use that word.