Friday, March 16, 2012

Katniss and Cinna

This looks to be right before she heads into the arena. It's killing me!

One more week!


Anonymous said...

It s killing me to.....Lenny Kravitz isn't making music ! He had such potential. Now look at him.

Ali said...

Shut it, James.

Linda said...

Lenny Kravitz is black?

Melissa (your sister) said...

This is a casting I've been questioning. Hopefully he proves me wrong, but not at all how I saw Cinna.

Also think Billy Bob Thornton or possibly Robert Downey Jr would make a better Haymitch.

By the way, I tried to explain to my students who Lenny is, saying he's better known as a musician, then I realized they weren't born when Are You Gonna Go My Way was topping the charts.

Ali said...

I was also concerned about this. Part of it is that he has almost no experience as an actor (although he was quite good in Precious) and part is that I pictured Cinna as younger, more slight, and white, and it's strange to reset what I imagined. (I also imagined Peeta as quite a bit taller and blonder than Josh Hutcherson, and I think I'm not alone there.) But the clips that I've seen of Lenny in this role look really good, so I'm hopeful.

Yes, Billy Bob Thornton was just the thing I pictured when reading Haymitch, but Woody is a great actor so I'm not worried.

P.S. I would say tell your students he used to be married to Denise Huxtable, but where would that get us?

Anonymous said...

My company just hired a 22 year old. She says she knows who MC Hammer is. She "grew up listening to oldies music". I told her to go away.