Wednesday, December 12, 2007

It makes an excellent addition to your Festivus celebration, as well.

Why is is that all the really good things are only available to us at Christmastime? Lit up houses, 24-hour marathons of brilliant movies, free days off for non-essential federal workers courtesy of our generous Commander-in-Chief? (I totally got Christmas Eve off and I love it!)

Well now there's one more item to add to the list: Starbuck's Limited Edition Dark Chocolate Peppermint Mocha Frappuccino. I purchased a four-pack last night, frankly, because I liked the red on the packaging. What a brilliant decision on my part! This stuff is a Christmas delight. Rich chocolate, refreshing peppermint, and more caffeine than you could shake a stick at with your jittery hands. Go now! Get some!

And to all those people who think Starbucks is trying to take over the world, I say let them. As long as they provide me with delicious, caffeinated treats, I will happily be their robot slave.


Unknown said...

Will you be stocking up on these?

Anonymous said...

I for one welcome our new caffeinated overlords!

Anonymous said...

Oh Ali....I am sorry that I didn't tell you long ago. As a very similiar drink (and amazingly Christmas all year long....)Starbucks has a warm peppermint mocha that they serve year round. (In fact approximately 4-5 times per week I make the trek across the hospital and order a "nonfat, peppermint mocha, with no whip cream" (except on Friday...I get whipped cream on Fridays) It's $3.71 of wonderfullness!!! (Yes, Chris, whene you read this you will calculate that I spend $15 to $20 per week on coffee...and that isn't in the budget...but to that I stick out my tongue and say make that 'motorboat/tooting sound'

Anonymous said...

Their caramel apple spice is also wonderful. It's like a hot spiced apple cider. Although I love whipped cream, I actually recommend this drink without it.