Sunday, July 20, 2008

Busy is the watchword

So, I am trying to keep myself busy, as opposed to what I have been recently doing, which is sitting around crying and thinking about how life was so much better in 2007. Here’s what has been going on with me:

I have been obsessively watching Veronica Mars DVDs. I am halfway through the second season. Buffy is next.

I went to Amanda’s birthday dinner and Jess and her husband, Kevin, invited us to Trivia Night at Fry’s Bar in Wilmore. Victory was ours, we drank from the keg of glory, and I am now the proud owner of a Budweiser T-shirt. As you can imagine, Amanda bogarted the Yuengling T.

Amanda, J., and I went to Dave and Buster’s. Amanda and I rocked the trivia game and earned enough tickets for some Hello Kitty lip gloss, some plastic glitter bracelets, and a Gummi Bear the size of a Volkswagen. I asked for a plastic tiara with some fake jewels, but they were all out. Drat.

I went to Manhattan with some friends. More on that in a later post.

This site is an excellent time waster, just in case you feel like you’re being too productive.

1 comment:

Liz said...

I did, and it was.