Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The jig is up, Zack. And Liz. And Kristen. KRISTEN!

So, now you're Jack Bauer? What happened to Kiefer? Is this multiple personality disorder? Schizophrenia? A little from column A, a little from column B? Either way, you sound about as stable as a Pinto in a rear-end collision. I have a rule of never letting crazy people in my apartment (except for Amanda, of course). I'm going to have to insist that you vacate the premises immediately. Good day to you, sir!


Kristen said...

I beg your pardon, I was nowhere near the premises when the aforementioned occurred, and I would like to see what proof you have. I'd like think I'd have written something much wittier than a fake note from Kiefer Sutherland. I probably would have thrown something in about the Halloween theme music and posted a little clip of it. Oh yeah, that would have been good.

Amanda said...

I'm crazy? What? I've never done anything this insane... while at your apartment! :o) This series of events has Gena and I cracking up! :o)

Can't wait to be in PA in 14 days! See you soon!

Ali said...

Manderz, you know I love you more than my luggage. You're crazy in only the best, most delightful way!

Kristen, nobody's buying it and you shouldn't be selling it.