Thursday, March 18, 2010

All aboard!

I was transferring my photos to the computer when I came across this shot and realized I hadn’t written about my stagecoach ride across the state last week.

So, you all know how my wretched deathtrap of a car broke down in Philly last week. So, after birthday/Oscar weekend, I caught I ride back with Linda, Giz, and Kris so I could pick up my car.

Picture it: I was sitting in the back seat behind Linda, and Kris was behind Giz. The sun was beating down pretty hard on me and Linda. I was trying to snooze and had rigged up my sweater in the back seat to shield me from the sun, but to little avail. Then Linda had a flash of brilliance. Linda keeps a sheet in the car as a blanket/sunshield and she decided to hang up her sheet along the side of the car and create a sunshade for us both. But instead of telling anyone her idea, she just decided to put it in motion.

She lowered her window a bit and fed a little of the sheet out, but the wind created by a car speeding down the Turnpike is enough to make mincemeat of even the sturdiest bed linens. A several feet of sheet flew out and up like a kite as Linda held on to the remaining end of the sheet. Kris and I heard Giz shriek in astonishment and we snapped awake in time to see a billow of white protrude from the passenger’s side window. The people in the car in the next lane must have thought we were deranged. Linda scrambled to pull the sheet back in and when the four of us stopped laughing hysterically, we were able to create a serviceable sunshade:

From the outside, it must have looked like a stagecoach, but from the inside it was wonderfully shady.


Linda said...

I still laugh out loud whenever I think of that sheet flying upward at the speed of sound and Giz's startled cry. I have no idea how I hung onto that sheet, but it was quite a bit funnier than the time your mother shut her fingers in the window while trying to enact a similar scenario with her jacket.

Kristen said...

I would just like to add that what happened to speed past us on the right as Mom was feeding her sheet out the window was a tractor trailer, which I'm sure is the reason why the sheet was in such a hurry to leave the car.