Monday, March 29, 2010

Proceeding with caution

So, I'm starting season 3 of The Shield and I have to say, with each episode I have to re-evaluate whether or not I have the strength to finish this series. Each new episode shocks me more than the last and I'm really not certain how I'm going to make it to season 7. (Mom, this show is not for you.)

The only things keeping me holding on are the awesomeness of my favorite, Lem, and the amazingness of Walton Goggins' performance, which knocks my socks clean off and into the washer.

If you have no idea what I'm talking about, carry on.


Linda said...

I think perhaps the Shield is best watched in small doses like once a week with summers off. Even then it is not for the faint of heart.

Ali said...

I think you are probably right, but it's too late. I've hopped onto this crazy train and I'm committed now. I think I'll survive the ride, but the bumps in the road may make me puke.