Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Okay, well if they're going to, could they just rise already so we can get this over with?

This photo of a t-shirt was taken at my local grocery store, well north of the Mason-Dixon Line. I don't even know what to say. Is it meant to appeal to those who, in the event of another secession, would pack their stuff and head to South Carolina to throw in their lot with the rebels? Or is it meant simply to warn us that we ought to keep our muskets and bayonets at the ready, because the Confederacy is coming for us?

I can't help thinking that most Southerners, when confronted with this shirt, would roll their eyes and say, "Oh, for pity's sake, would those crazies just shut up already. Like I'm interested in being anything other than an American." But apparently there's a market for this type of clothing. In Pennsylvania. Whatever.

It also raises the question of who buys clothing at a grocery store. Perhaps we'll address that at a later date.

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