Saturday, May 15, 2010


You know how, if you're speaking to someone whose first language is not English, and he doesn't understand you, your instinct is to repeat yourself very slowly and very loudly? This always happens to me when I order takeout from Rey Azteca. When I order extra salsa (Which, how could you not? Their salsa is heaven in tomato form.) the guy on the phone always thinks I'm asking for flautas. So, the conversation, including the one I had today, goes thusly:

Ali: ...and a large salsa.
Rey Azteca guy: Flautas?
Ali: No. Salsa.
Rey Azteca guy: Flautas?
Ali: No. No flautas. SALSA!
Rey Azteca guy: Si. Flautas.

And, I thought, "How silly to repeat myself slowly and loudly as though that will magically translate my words into Spanish." And then I realized every word I was speaking, after the question of flautas came into the business, WAS Spanish. So, I really don't know what to do about that.

After some continued shouting, I got my salsa. And it was delicious, marvelous, totally worth the laryngitis.


Liz said...

oooooh, Rey Azteca. They actually have delicious Flautas, so you would have been ok either way :)

Ali said...

You do make a point.