Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I feel the Earth move under my feet...

So, I'm sitting in my office and everything sudden felt like it was swaying. For a second I thought I was passing out or my friend had snuck up behind me to shake my chair, but it wasn't that. My entire desk was swaying. Then I heard everyone around me saying, "What the heck was that?" and "Oh no, I am NOT dying here." I think we might have had a small earthquake here in J-town.

I have always wanted to feel an earthquake, so I'm hoping that's what it was. It was very mild, but I have to say, I'm still dizzy.


The earthquake was an 5.5 that happened in Canada and we felt it all the way down here. Any other Pennsylvanians feel it?


Anonymous said...

My dad is right near where this happened. He's on a fisihing trip up there right now. But apparently he didn't feel anything.

Ali said...

Wow. I'm shocked he didn't feel anything.

Linda said...

None of my Ontario friends felt anything. Nothing. And most of them felt cheated.

Liz said...

Apparently people in Pittsburgh felt it too. How come I didn't get to feel!? what up earthquake?