Saturday, June 26, 2010

So, this is hilarious.

This is one of those brilliant things that makes you wonder why no one has done it before. You know those overly-perfect, super-styled photos in various home decor catalogs? This blog takes those photos and imagines the lives of the people living in them, to hilarious results. Delight in it.

Hi Nancy, it's Elaine. I'm going to be a little late for lunch. I can't find my hat or my back-up hat.

No one could ignore the obvious racism of Elaine's side table arrangement.

Elaine was not amused by Gary's passive-aggressive response to her request to "garnish the cocktails."


Liz said...

That IS hilarious. I particularly liked the one about interrupt Gary during “apple time.”

Kristen said...

Ha! Love it. My favorite: "Oh dear, our Q-Tip decanter is almost 1/5th depleted." I should show that one to my dad.