Thursday, September 16, 2010

I do not cough for my own amusement.

I have recently climbed out of a black hole of illness. I think I had mono as well as a cold or sinus infection and maybe influenza. It's possible there was an ear infection going on, too. I don't want to be that sick again until right before I die. Today is the first day I've felt like I'm really on the mend, and I would do the happy dance if I had any energy.

During my illness, I missed a total of seven parties/picnics (blargh!) and had to take a hiatus from my photo blog (which has just devolved into a photo diary anyway so it would have been 18 consecutive photos of cough syrup, tissues, soup, and misery.)

So, here’s what was going on with me:

I slept at least 18 of each day’s 24 hours. At least. And it was never enough.

I found I had enough energy to either take a shower or brush my teeth, but not both.

Every time I looked in the mirror I was shocked, shocked at my appearance. It could best be described as “drugged albino.” The Chinese food delivery guy was shocked as well, and made no effort to hide it.

Family members brazenly recoiled at the sight of me. You know who you are.

I responded to friends and family with emails and texts reading "cant talk, so sick." Yes, I shunned proper grammar, capitalization, punctuation, etc. When society breaks down, the niceties are the first to go.

I was so tired from driving to my doctor's office, that I fell asleep in her waiting room for an hour and half.

I heard a strange noise in the middle of the night, and I just thought to myself, “Well, if murderers have gotten into the house, at least my suffering will be over soon.” And then I went back to sleep.

I coughed so hard I threw up. Twice. Horrible. Horrible.

Cousins, brace yourselves for Thanksgiving, because I plan to make up for all the board games I missed over Labor Day weekend. Big time.


Linda said...

...shunned proper grammar, capitalization, punctuation, etc." and yet you found the energy to make note of Alexa's "challange" mistake. Sick indeed.

Jimmy Jam said...

“drugged albino.” -HAHAHA

What no mcD's?

Unknown said...

Wow! That is horrible. I am glad you are on the mend!

Melissa (your recoiling sister) said...

I know who I am.

But in fairness I didn't recoil as much as I was shocked that you were so pale that evidently you are a normaly tanned person.