Thursday, September 30, 2010

Tonight, it began.

Tonight I officially bought my first Christmas present of 2010. I am that person that marketers are thinking of when they put out the Christmas ornaments in August. I am lured to them like Hollywood Montrose to jelly donuts. Also, it was Kohl's and I had a 30% off and ten bucks in Kohl's cash so I was powerless to stop myself.

It was for Jules and it's pretty and frilly and girly. Whee!


Anonymous said...

I bought 4 Christmas presents already, like 2 weeks ago! One for Mark's dad and another for our nephew, and a couple for my kids.

Ali said...

Bravo, Megs! I like to hear it. Last year I was done with all my decorating and present buying by December 1st. Then I just relaxed and enjoyed the month of December and all the Christmasy stuff without being stressed. It was great! Armed with my Excel spreadsheet gift tracker, I aim to do the same this year.

Anonymous said...

a spreadsheet to track gifts? I don't think I could ever be that organized.

And I'm not sure how I'll be able to do decorations this year, unless Jacob shapes up with his trouble-making. He's just WAY too curious right now.I don't have many places to keep things out of his reach.

Liz said...

Zack is jealous of your spreadsheet.

Ali said...

Well, I'm jealous of Zack's Excel skills, so I guess we're even.

Except that we're not because Zack could just make an awesome spreadsheet with his Excel skills...

Kristen said...

That spreadsheet is such a good idea! If I buy gifts too early, by the time Christmas rolls around I tend to forget what I bought, who I bought it for, and, most importantly, where on earth I put it, making me buy the person a last-minute second-rate gift.

For the record, this has not happened with gifts for any of you. :)

Ali said...

If you want to do your own spreadsheet, here are some tips from mine:

Make each year a different tab in the same spreadsheet, so if you're trying to remember what you bought your sister last year, you're only a tab away.

Color coding. I list the gift(s) under each person's name and then fill the box with a different color. Pink means to be bought, yellow means to be made, blue means bought/finished, and purple means it's been wrapped. The more purple I see on the spreadsheet, the better I'm doing.

Use it throughout the year. If I think of an awesome gift for Melis in June, I add it to the spreadsheet so I don't forget it once November rolls around.

Organization is so fun!