Sunday, September 26, 2010

More from the mental institution where I spent last week

This is the building I was in. I never made it to the attic, but the third floor was super creepy.

I kept waiting for ghostly faces to appear at these windows.

Many of the buildings remain abandoned.

The institution had patients with tuberculosis and the prescription for that was fresh air. These porches were covered with fencing and the patients would sit in these little cells in the air. This is what's left of them.



Kristen said...

Whoa, that really is creepy. I love the ivy growing on the building in the fourth photo.

Ali said...

That pic and the one after it are from a building called The Sunburst. It's a series of long brick buildings arranged like the rays of the sun, and then connected at their bottom ends by a curving tunnel building that attached to them all. You could walk through the entire complex without ever going outside, and it is huge.

There was also a complex called the String of Pearls, which was a line of institution buildings that were each connected by a tunnel and stretched over a mile long. They were torn down decades ago, though.

Kristen said...

That sounds pretty cool and pretty freaky at the same time.

Liz said...

it sounds like the kind of place where secret medical experiments are still going on. you sure those "abandoned" building were really abandoned??

Ali said...

That's what I was thinking! And then I'd say to myself, "Oh, Allison, you are being ridiculous. I'm sure there's nothing sinister going on here."

But I never really believed myself.