Monday, December 6, 2010

Our international humiliation continues.

So, I stumbled on to this Swedish newspaper article about a phenomenon called cuddle parties. They're these hideously-conceived social events where strangers get together in their pajamas and hug each other for a couple hours. Apparently the trend started in the US (though I've never heard of them before) and now they're spreading across the globe. Most recently to Sweden, where they're described, horrifically, as "a new way to socialize American-style."

American-style? I am so mortified! What must the Swedes think of us?

I mean, I know I've said before that Ikea makes me want to find random Swedish people and kiss them, but I'm certainly not going to get into my jammies and pay 40 bucks to spend two hours hugging them. A little dignity, please.

This guy knows what I'm talking about.

1 comment:

Linda said...

Perhaps they think the Amish custom of bundling started this craze. Usually I say anything you can do while wearing pajamas is fine but this embarrasses even this PJ queen.