Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Random days off and buttons and ribbons and prints

I have a friend at work who, in mid-November, decided to take off every Wednesday between then and Christmas in order to get all things done that people need to get done this time of year. Well, she’s got Christmas hosting duties, two small children, and apparently more leave hours saved up than I do, so I couldn’t follow her lead entirely, but I did take one Wednesday off – today. It just seemed like a good idea, to take a random day off for no reason.

I got a lot done today, even if much of it was fun stuff like bake apple strudel and watch a marathon of The League and go for Great Cheap Dates with my sisters and Brian to see Red. Random days off FTW!

But I also spiffed up my craft room wall. This summer I bought a print at one of the awesome local artistry shops we visit when Kris and I go stay with Liz. I had framed it and put it on my craft room wall:

But then I thought that looked so good that I bought three more colorful frames and decided to make a grouping. I had another awesome print, but I was unsure what to do for the other two frames. Then, during my recent weekend of industriousness, I used what I had on hand in the craft room... make a couple of collages...

...and it all turned out like this:

I love the idea of using crafty materials to decorate your crafty space. And I didn't even realize until I hung them that the buttons in the blue frame mimic the dots in the green-framed print and the ribbon in the pink frame mimics the lines in the red-framed print. I delight in it.


Kristen said...

Ooo, those look great!

Linda said...

Fantastic idea. I love the quote from WTWTA. Even tho you may not have realized what you achieved the crafter in you knew it and took over.

Liz said...


Ali said...
