Monday, September 10, 2012

The Americans are coming! And so are the Irish!

New Downton Abbey trailers! Feast your eyes!

So, what have we learned? I cannot wait to see The Dowager Countess square off with her son's no-nonsense American mother-in-law. Also, the Bransons are visiting from Ireland, and how will the former chauffeur handle being in the house as a guest? How will the servants handle it? Oh, things are going to be awkward for my dear Carson. And might we see some happiness for poor Edith?

Apparently the Crawleys have begun hiring footmen from the NBA draft list, and things have gotten chilly between Thomas and O'Brien. Ooh, there's no enemy like a former friend. And why is everyone crying? I'm half afraid that if Thomas cries I might start to feel sympathy for him and I just don't think I could bear that. I much prefer to loathe him.

And for the hardest part: "January 2013." January. The vicious cruelty. You know, the Brits are getting to see it this month. How's that for fair? I think it's payback for the Revolution or something. I shall just have to make do by concentrating on the premiere date for The Hobbit.


Lex said...

"I would never be happy with anyone else as long as you walk the earth."

I mean, COME ON. Can Matthew Crawley get any better?!

Didn't think so.

Ali said...

You are correct. Matthew Crawley could not get any better. We are in complete agreement that Matthew Crawley is the total best.

Kristen said...

Ahhh! Cannot wait. Do you follow Downton Abbey on Facebook? I do, and they are killing me with the little tidbits they put out. Every couple of days there's a screenshot and a barely-there teaser from the upcoming episode or from what they're filming that day. Maddening stuff like "There is disruption in the air at Downton Abbey - but who has caused it? Find out tonight." Except we won't because we're on the wrong side of the pond. Gah.

Ali said...

I don't follow them on FB, which is probably just as well since from your description I don't think I could bear it.

January, January, I can make till January...

Lex said...

I have both illegally and successfully watched the first episode of the third season. Be jealous.

Ali said...

I am both illegally and successfully jealous of you. I'm dying to ask you questions that I don't want you to answer. My greatest fear is that they will do something to make Thomas sympathetic and then where will I be? I have only my loathing to keep me warm.