Monday, October 1, 2012

The hilarious "head in a trash can" photo you didn't know you wanted.

So, today's perusal of foreign newspapers has yielded solid gold. And, I just realized that my description in the post title sounds a bit macabre, but fear not! The head is indeed attached to a body. A man in Aberdeen, Scotland (currently my favorite man in all of Scotland) got himself wedged into a trash can, or "rubbish bin" if you speak British.

Heaven bless whomever decided to memorialize this on film:

Head in a rubbish bin.

The best part of this photo is the person in the lower right corner, grasping his friend on the shoulder and pointing with great animation. That person is a kindred spirit to me.

I truly hope those are the kindest, most understanding firemen in Scotland. Happy Monday, everyone.


Kristen said...

I would have fallen over laughing if I had been there for this. Totally convinced.

Ali said...

Update! Apparently he was just trying to retrieve his hat:

I'm glad he's got a sense of humor about it. Delightful.

Jennifer said...

Um.. Have you heard the story of Mikey getting his head stuck in a trash can? Laura and I couldn't control ourselves and we were in charge. He was playing hide and seek and thought that was a good place to hide. It was at Portage Park and the life guard had to get him out because he was stuck and we couldn't get him out.

Melissa (your sister) said...

I have heard the Mikey story before and yet I am sitting here unable to control my laughter as I read it.

I think I just woke up Brian.

Seriously, I may start crying.

Ali said...

And yet no one thought to memorialize that on digital film. What a waste!

Melissa (your sister) said...

Oh, I'm laughing again!

Can't you just picture him screaming for help and Jennifer and Laura unable to walk?!

Ali said...

And you people yell at me for laughing when people fall down.