Wednesday, November 21, 2007

I am so jetlagged, I might be asleep right now and dreaming that I'm typing this.

Well, I'm back from Italy. I thought I'd have a fabulous time, but I could not have even imagined how fabulous it would end up being. Go! Go to Italy now! You're only punishing yourself if you don't!

I haven't begun my episodes yet, but I can tell you I had a gelato for every day I was there, Melis heard the news about Barry Bonds' indictment on CNN World News and did the happy dance in our hotel room, Rick Steves is some kind of mad genius, Gram loves gondolas, Lisa loves scarves, Linda loves her travel pillow to a degree that disturbs Kristen, apparently I'm rather melodramatic and animated even by Italian standards, our photos will soon be appearing on the wall of our favorite restaurant in Rome, and Jackie says, "Stay away from the spotted meat."

That's good advice, folks.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I can't wait to read the episodes! Happy Thanksgiving!