Sunday, July 18, 2010

No, thanks. Thirty's plenty.

So, my mom and my sisters sat down for a friendly game of 31 this afternoon. After taking her turn, my mother knocked, forgetting that you can’t do that if you’ve taken your turn. So we all knew she was going to knock the next time around. In fact, when Jen picked up a card, mom hovered her closed hand a few inches above the table, ready to knock the moment Jen discarded.

And she did, the very moment Jen discarded.

A Queen of hearts.

Which you’d probably want to pick up if you were holding the Ace, King, and nine of hearts.

Which mom was.

He’s how it went down: she knocked, she saw the queen, she screamed in horror, she collapsed on the kitchen floor. Her daughters broke into hysterics. Of course, I reached for the camera, because, well, obviously.

If you don’t know how to play 31, get someone to explain it to you so you can delight in this story.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, I can totally picture this happening. This is hilarious!

Kristen said...

HA! I can even hear the scream.

Linda said...

knock first...ask questions'll get a laugh about 25% of the time.