Saturday, October 2, 2010

Saturday craftiness: Christmas cards

On the agenda: Christmas cards

On the iPod: Amy Grant, A Christmas Album

I was cruising the Martha Stewart site the other day and she had a video about embossed cards, which is when I remembered the boatload of embossing powders in a drawer in my craft room. What a great way to indulge my Christmas longings.

Embossing powders

Anna Griffith stamps and colored cardstock

Anna Griffith makes the best rubber stamps. Her images are so clear and detailed.

After stamping with clear embossing ink and covering my stamp with gold embossing powder, it looked like this. Nice, but a dull, brassy gold.

After applying my embossing gun, it looked shiny and lovely, and raised up off the cardstock. Using the embossing gun is the best part of the process. It's like waving a magic wand over the stamp and taking it from dull to sparkly!

The gold popped really nicely off the green.

Some of my handiwork thus far. I have decided no two cards will be the same.


Unknown said...

Wow, you are working on Christmas Cards already. You are head of me.

Linda said...

I hand-made over 100 Christmas cards one year. The paper, the lace, the ribbon, the embossing - no two were alike. No one noticed because no one got two of them. Lesson learned. Just sayin...

Ali said...

Yeah, it's not so much that people will be getting a one of a kind card. It's that it might force me to be more creative with the stamps and powder colors if I'm not allowed to do repeats. Also, I'm only making about 50.

I remember getting a lovely handmade card from you that year. I also remember Giz telling me to take it out and enjoy it again the next year once he got the bill for the postage. Heh heh.