Monday, June 6, 2011

The answer to that question would be: the people of Mozambique.

Overheard at our table on Trivia Night, after taking an early lead...

Travis: We're changing our name to Team Capone!
Ali: Why?
Travis: We're untouchable!
Ali: Umm, wouldn't it be Team Ness?
Travis: Oh. Yeah. Forget it.

20 minutes later, apropos of nothing...

Travis: I'm so bummed it's not Capone that was untouchable!

"Hey! I'm just as cool as Capone."

(BTW, that's Elliot Ness.)

Alas, we tied for second place and we lost the tie breaker, which bumped us down to third, but we were still pleased. Because the Cheater Team (my nemesis) did not place at all. Ha!

Hey, did you know that Mozambique has an AK-47 semi-automatic assault rifle on its flag? Neither did we. Actually, Eric thought so, but we disregarded him because we thought, "Who puts a machine gun on their flag?"

Sorry, Eric.

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