Friday, June 3, 2011

I'm doing 90 down Memory Lane.

I enjoy my iPad in many ways. I read books on it. I fall asleep to my Pandora Stations on it. I watch movies on airplanes with it. I even keep Julia occupied by letting her snap virtual bubble wrap on it. But all of that is nothing compared to my new obsession:

Cousins! It is just like the arcade game Pap had in the Rec Room for us! It plays the songs, the pretzels are worth 700 points, it dings at 10,000 when you get your bonus life, the ghosts stay really long when you get to the first Chase board. It is amazing.

I don't want to do anything or go anywhere. I just want to sit hunched over my coffee table and play like we used to when we had all-night tournaments.


Melissa (your sister) said...

I'm hoping this was one of your off Fridays or you're not kidding that you want to do nothing else. Get to work!

Anonymous said...

not the same...

1. can't put a soda can on the table while you are playing.

2. can't have Pap reverse the boards so the Cherry floats through walls.

Ali said...

Melis, yes it's my Friday off. But now I'm imagining the horror on my boss's face if she walked up to my desk and heard the chomp-chomp sound of a Ms. Pac-man game happening.

James, you're right. I will not let you put a can of soda on my iPad.