Thursday, May 3, 2012

Oh my dears. Is it really true? I can't believe it.

Fellow Downton lovers, mourn with me for a moment. Apparently season 3 will be the last for Maggie Smith. Our magnificent Dowager Countess will be hanging up her spurs. How could she do this to us?

According to the Daily Mail (You've got Paperback Writer in your head now, don't you?) a source says:

Maggie has asked Julian to write her character out. She is filming until August and then wants to leave, going out on a high. She thinks that three series is enough and she wants to get back to the stage and big screen.

Maggie, no! Don't leave us!

What is there to do but wait for season 3 (an infernally long wait) and then soak up every bit of dowager-countessness?

"What is a 'weekend'?"


Kristen said...

Ahhhhh! Doesn't she realize you can always go out on a high when your character/portrayal is brilliant?

My day is ruined.

Linda said...

My day is also ruined, albeit 5 days after your post. She's the best part of a stellar series.