Monday, May 14, 2012

Not all who wander are lost...

Last weekend, Kris and I headed to West Virginia to visit the Bogaczyk clan. We played lots of Settlers (all won by Liz--all of the games...all of them...ALL. Cheating, you ask? I don't know. That's quite an accusation. Who am I to say?) and had lots of fun. One evening we took a walk in the gorgeous state park near Liz and Zack's house. It was really cool.

It sorta reminded me of Middle Earth. Or maybe I'm just going mad waiting for the Hobbit movie.

Much of our walk went down a path carved into a huge rock formation.
Wes had a great time.

Sometimes we happened upon a secret passage in rock face.

Watch out for orcs!

Zack and I climbed up on top to get a look. Kris was worried about my Nikon lens the whole time, but I did not shatter it against the rock. I did, however, lose my lens cap.

Sawyer was having lots of fun, too.

After our walk, we went out to the park's scenic overlook, which is basically just a fence built around a giant boulder cantilevered over a river valley. It was magnificent, but a little nerve-wracking for those afraid of heights. 

It's hard to get a photo of a three-year-old at dusk with no flash, but his smile comes through.


Kristen said...

Those dice were rigged. I'm convinced.

Nice perspective on the second one.

You never worry about your lens! I'm left to worry about it for both of us. And I have to say preparing to climb that rock with no lens cap on was just pure folly.

Liz said...

it was the migraine. it gave me intense focus on my turn and made me unsympathetic to the plight of others...or i'm just better then you.