Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Score 54, where are you?

So, I played trivia tonight with some friends at a local pub. One question, which will delight my fellow Whedonites, was this: "Aside from the series finale, how many Slayers appear in the show Buffy the Vampire Slayer?"

Whedonites, take a moment to count them up, then scroll down to see the answer.


The correct answer is 6. (Buffy, Kendra, Faith, Nikki Wood, that Chinese Slayer that Spike killed during the Boxer Rebellion whose name I don't quite have right now, and The First Slayer, whose name I also don't have right now.) The correct answer is 6. We answered 6.

The MC announced that the answer was 3. Buffy, Faith, and Kendra.

I pounced on him like Garfield on a lasagna. (Or was that Heathcliff? I always confuse the two. What I don't confuse is my Slayers.)

He apologized profusely and said he had to take the official answer the trivia company had given him, flippety fling blang blah. That mistake cost us 5 points and gave countless other teams in the bar points they did not deserve for answering the incorrect answer of 3. I was thoroughly disgusted.

When the scores were read, we had an unfair 49 instead of our rightful 54. The first place team's score? 54. And who even knows if their 54 was padded by points unjustly awarded from that Slayer question!

I may sound like a raving lunatic to many of you right now, but you can't ask a question about something that has a rabid fandom, declare an incorrect answer, and not expect to have some explaining to do. You can't say Tattooine has three suns. You can't say the TARDIS is yellow. You can't say Faramir took the ring from Frodo. (Yes, Peter Jackson, you have some explaining to do.)

My teammate wrote the trivia company a strongly worded email, but she has yet to receive an answer. In the end, we were sidelined by a round in which you had to name the World Series champions of the past twenty years. I actually got five of them (someone get my sisters the smelling salts) but that pretty much took us out of the running.

Still, Tattooine has two suns, the TARDIS is blue, Faramir never took the ring, and there were 6 Slayers before the series finale. These things I know.


Megan said...

I can't help with the Buffy situation, as I never watched that show. I can, however, tell you that it was Garfield that loved lasagna.

Ali said...

Ah, thanks Megs. In my mind, they are the same chubby cat.

Melissa (your sister) said...

I can't help with either of those 2 things, but I can assure you that your rant was justified.

Did Scott and Wendy move to DC?

Ali said...

That would explain a lot. Except that I could bend Scott and Wendy to my will and make them give me the points. This guy, not so much.