Monday, March 30, 2009

Hello, hazelnutty goodness.

Have you ever tried Nutella? I think it's European. It just seems like it should be European. I used to see it in stores and think, "I should try that. I LOVE hazelnuts." But then I would just walk past it and think no more of it. Well, last week I tried it. Oh, my.

The label will make you think it’s a hazelnut version of peanut butter with a bit of chocolate added. Not so. It is closer to crack in a jar. It is positively addictive and truly wonderful. You can’t spread it on toast like the label suggests. Mere toast is not good enough. I don’t even know what you could spread it on, so I’ve taken to eating it straight out of the jar with a spoon. Then I spend the rest of the day daydreaming about eating it straight out of the jar with a spoon.

Have you been living without Nutella? Punish yourself no longer. You can find it at Conzatti's.


Kristen said...

You could go Canadian and make a sandwich out of it. Ingredients: astonishingly thick layer of Nutella on a piece of bread, a good amount of the most sugary sprinkles you can find (yes, sprinkles), topped with another piece of bread. This was a regular lunch for the many Canadian kids I babysat. I need to clarify I was not given a choice on the lunch menu.

Ali said...

So the Canadians are feeding their children pure sugar for lunch? Well, that explains The Kids in the Hall.

Linda said...

Seth eats Nutella most days for lunch. And guess why you can find it at Conzatti's - Nutella is made in Italy. When Giz and I were in Rome in 2003 we were accosted by a giant jar of Nutella similar in size and weight to your fabulous red pantry. Enjoy!

Ali said...

Oh, how I'd love to come upon a jar of that size!

You know, it's funny, in all those Italian cities we visited, I don't remember seeing Nutella, but it was everywhere in London. Strange...

If it had been on the breakfast bars in Italy, I would have eaten that for breakfast, all by itself. I think it could have even made Jackie's horrid "spotted meat" edible.

Amanda said...

Yep... all the people I know from Europe LOVE Nutella. And I am so glad they made me try it! Mmm... You know iHOPhas crepes with Nutella in them! mmmm

Laura Helen said...

If you have a World Market near you (they're all over the country), check out their store brand of Nutella - they have smooth AND crunchy!!