Thursday, March 5, 2009

I have decided to shun NBC until they give me a new episode of The Office

Why is there yet another repeat of The Office airing tonight? Does anyone else remember, back in the day, when repeats were something that occurred only in the summer (when you were too busy night-swimming in Gram's pool to even care about TV), and February was sweeps month filled with gripping television episodes and not the staging area for an endless string of repeats?

Or am I dating myself here?

Edited to add: Apparently I was incorrect. The Office is new tonight. Please disregard the previous tantrum.



Liz said...

HA! At first I didn't see the 'un-shun' at the bottom and I thought "Oh, I'm totally gonna point out how she's has to un-shun them now." :)

Ali said...

I love that you're checking me on my un-shuns. I would expect no less.

Unknown said...

There is plenty of new shows on that I can barely keep up. Amazing Race, American Idol, Survivor, Lost, B& iggest Loser! Yes, I watch way too much reality TV.

Anonymous said...

In all seriousness, you make a valid point. What happened to there being a new episode of a show EVERY week? These actors are getting paid more and doing half the work as those in the 90's and earlier.

Linda said...

May I point out that 24 is an excellent show and NEVER has repeats. Perhaps that will ameliorate your ill will toward my man Jack Bauer aka Keifer Sutherland.

also, try out some cable network shows - The Closer, Damages, In Plain Sight, Burn Notice, etc. They usually follow a story for a few months, end that season and come back a few months later when the networks are dead. BTW, I wish the summer replacement shoe Maximum Bob would have been a bigger success.

Ali said...

Oh, Maximum Bob! How I loved it! Everything I love gets canceled.