Friday, August 20, 2010

Go Lions!

I realize from my blog it appears that I do nothing but watch TV all day, but that's not true! It's just been true for the past two days. I let the most recent season of Friday Night Lights pile up on my DVR and I am freebasing it as I type. Some things I didn't remember from last season:

1. How spectacularly awesome Tami Taylor is. I mean, I remembered that she was fabulous, and I remembered that the show often causes me to spontaneously shout, "Tami Taylor for queen!" but I didn't remember the full magnitude of her amazingness. It's almost too much. You either have to watch her scenes twice or look away completely, lest the majesty of the character overtake you.

2. How much Coach can rock the coach uniform. You know, the polo shirt, khaki shorts, white sneakers, and socks halfway pulled up the calf that would make the average man look sad and tragic. But not Coach. He pulls it off with room to spare.

3. How I have a Pavlovian response to the opening credits. Meaning, the music cues up and I lose all composure, crying immediately over the memories of Jason's courage and Smash's heart and Matty's sweetness and Coach's inspiration and how Tami should be queen.

I. Love. This. Show.


Liz said...

um, can we finally talk about the last few minutes of the first episode?!? the locker room, the song, the sobbing coming from me...

Ali said...

Oh Liz, there are no words. Oh, Coach...