The results are in!
1. Pick one thing from the crafty projects list and make it.
Done: Pretty paper boxes.

2. Go grocery shopping.
Done: And I'm all stocked up.
3. Start going through Real Simples and razoring out pages to keep because it’s ridiculous to hold on to all these magazines for just a few articles.
Done: I got through four years' worth, but I still have about five more years to go.
4. Hang my new bookshelves.
Fail: The place I planned to put them fell through and now I'm just not sure where to hang them.
5. Clean the whole apartment really, really well.
Done: And it looks awesome.
6. Organize bedroom closet.
Done: It's now my favorite spot in the house. I just stand in there and stare.
7. Organize bathroom cupboard.
Done: I also stare at this.
8. Make some embossed stationery and mail it to my prayer partner from church.
Done: I delivered it to her in person this morning.

9. Measure for and order mats for the maps I’m framing.
Done: And I can't wait to hang them.
10. Start making the super-secret awesome homemade gift I’m making for Jules for Christmas.
Done: But I can't show you any photos of it.
11. Make some more Christmas cards.
Done: And I took Aunt Linda's advice and chucked the plan to make no two alike. Because I believe in making life as easy on yourself as possible.

12. Cook something delicious.
Done: Man, it was so good.
13. Go through cookbooks to see if any should be donated to Goodwill.
Done: I donated four.
14. Drop off cookbooks and items from closet at Goodwill.
Done: I love the drive-through drop off point at the Goodwill. Brilliant.
15. Etch something made of glass with my new glass-etching cream.
Fail: Apparently you need vinyl templates as well as the etching cream. Don't have them, so this didn't happen.
16. Hang my new curtains.
Fail: I needed my dad's super-heavy-duty drill to drill through the plaster in my living room, and I didn't get it 'til this afternoon. I'll do this at some point this week.
17. Read at least 100 pages in my book.
Done: I read 115 and I'll probably finish the last 50 tonight.
18. Winterize the window with the AC.
Fail: I didn't have the indoor cover for the AC, but the outside is covered.
19. Go for a walk each day and enjoy the sunshine and mild weather.
Done: What a gorgeous, sunny weekend!
20. Start working on the Cousin Christmas CD.
Done: The info is in the spreadsheet and ready for layout, and the songs are loaded into iTunes.
21. Sleep in on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. It is the weekend, after all.
Done: Was there ever any doubt?
Industrious Weekend was fantastic. My list was a little too ambitious, but I think that pushed me to get more done. And I did spend one evening with friends, eating dinner and playing games, but I have no regrets spending some time that way. I'm going to try to do an Industrious Weekend at least once a quarter.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go look at my bedroom closet again.