Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Conversations about genocide and offal meats

So, I was talking with two guys from work: Matt, who is a vegetarian and vocal about it, and Chris, who loves every food that once had a mother. The end of the conversation went thusly:

Chris: You realize you're knocking your German heritage by ripping on things like Scrapple?
Matt: It's disgusting.
Ali: Well, there's a lot in our German heritage that we're not so proud of.
Matt: Yeah, you want me to bring you some blood sausage?
Ali: I was actually thinking of the Nazis, but blood sausage works, too.
Matt: Oh.


Kristen said...


On a side note, I can't believe people still eat scrapple. Gross.

Ali said...

This meat-eater agrees with you. I mean, I don't wish to betray my heritage, but the stuff is gray.

Anonymous said...

if you're eating scrapple that's gray then youll most likely end up with food poisoning. It should be a light brown. and that's only because of the corn meal that's in it.

But I have to sya I like scrapple and wil only eat it from the local butcher shop because I trust their product. But I have to admit seeing what I have from living on a farm, it doesn't bother me to know what's in it.

Ali said...

Ooh, really? In my memory it's gray. I wonder what else I'm remembering wrong. Maybe I didn't actually tell my entire kindergarten class that there's no Santa Claus.

Nah, I'm pretty sure I did that.