Thursday, November 18, 2010

Oh man, I am already sick of this.

The thousands of flashbulbs exploding in your face right now are telling you to run while you still have the chance. Run, girl!

So, it's been what? Two days? And already I can't take any more. These two are everywhere. The CNN front page, Yahoo, Entertainment Weekly. I can't escape them. It's like they're coming for me in my sleep.

And the worst part? It will never be over. There will be the wedding, the first baby, the naming of the first baby, the throne inheritance issues should the first baby be female, the rumors, the paparazzi hunts, the eventual coronations... it's the news cycle that ate New York.

There. Is. No. Escape.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Ugh. I am so with you. I try to avoid the news at all costs and even I heard about this.