Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Industriousness will abound

Tomorrow is a federal holiday so I‘m taking Friday off and giving myself a long weekend. During this weekend, I am determined to be super industrious. In order to ensure that, I’m posting my To Do list here, so that when I get the urge to sit down and watch an episode of Castle on my DVR, I will be dissuaded from that course of action by the terror of failing publicly on my To Do list. (And Castle is a really good show.) So, you’re keeping me honest just by reading this post. Good for you.

Here’s the list. Yes, it’s long and ambitious, especially considering the effort involved in numbers 5, 6, and 7. And 12! Am I mad? A little, yes, but you know what Norman Bates says about that.*

1. Pick one thing from the crafty projects list and make it.

2. Go grocery shopping.

3. Start going through Real Simples and razoring out pages to keep because it’s ridiculous to hold on to all these magazines for just a few articles.

4. Hang my new bookshelves.

5. Clean the whole apartment really, really well.

6. Organize bedroom closet.

7. Organize bathroom cupboard.

8. Make some embossed stationery and mail it to my prayer partner from church.

9. Measure for and order mats for the maps I’m framing.

10. Start making the super-secret awesome homemade gift I’m making for Jules for Christmas.

11. Make some more Christmas cards.

12. Cook something delicious.

13. Go through cookbooks to see if any should be donated to Goodwill.

14. Drop off cookbooks and items from closet at Goodwill.

15. Etch something made of glass with my new glass-etching cream.

16. Hang my new curtains.

17. Read at least 100 pages in my book.

18. Winterize the window with the AC.

19. Go for a walk each day and enjoy the sunshine and mild weather.

20. Start working on the Cousin Christmas CD.

21. Sleep in on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. It is the weekend, after all.

*“We all go a little mad sometimes.”


Unknown said...

I can't wait to see on Monday how well you did! Good luck! Make sure to listen to Christmas Music.

Jimmy Jam said...

12. Cook something delicious.

HAHAHAHAHAHA you ....cook.....hilarious!

Kristen said...

Get yourself super buzzed on whatever espresso or Starbucks concoction you told me you used to drink in grad school so you could pull the all-nighters and it just might be possible. Take pictures of your industriousness for proof, because just coming back and telling us you got everything done rather than showing us would be so blase. ;)

Zackery David said...

Good luck with all of that. 2 days off sounds wonderful. Though the extent to which you embrace item 21 could cause problems with the remaining items. That would surely be my downfall. Well, that and video games.