Friday, November 12, 2010

Read it and weep, James.

For number 12 on my list (cook something delicious) I chose this recipe from Jessica Seinfeld's website. Grandma turned me on to her recipes and I am so glad because this pasta recipe is awesome. I picked this one because it uses lots of fresh ingredients that I love, like tomatoes, basil, and garlic. Yum.

I'm so happy I made enough for lots of leftovers, because this recipe is flippin' delicious! Number 12 is officially crossed off. What do you think about that, James?

I also tackled number 7: organize bathroom cupboard. This is the "before" picture of my cupboard. I feel like you can't really get an idea of how hideous it is, especially that middle shelf. There are layers and layers of crap just tossed in there.

And here is how it looks now. Nothing like being able to actually see the stuff in your cabinet. I had no idea, but now I know I'm low on toothpaste, conditioner, and, horrifyingly, Burt's Bees lip balm.

I also went grocery shopping and now I'm off to take my walk before tackling some cleaning and some crafty projects.


Linda said...

I see you heart organization and yet you become disorganized. I can't say I would hire you to organize me :P

Ali said...

Well, my skills are not for sale. And five straight weeks of sickness makes you not care if you're putting the cough medicine back in the right place or dropping your slippers on the closet floor. But the fun of getting a little disorganized is that you get to organize again, and that's the part I heart: the actual process of organizing.

Jimmy Jam said...

I see food prep and food on a dinner plate...but now pic of Ali doing any work...I declare shenanigans and goings on !

Ali said...

You got me. It was actually my robot chef.

Unknown said...

Glad to see you are making progress. I painted my guest room yesterday. Now I am off to look for new bedroom furniture with my parents.