Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Julia's first trip to the library

Last Friday, Julia took her first trip to the library, and Mom and Jen and I went with her. It was a very exciting trip for our little pumpkin.

That look is the face a three-year-old makes as her aunt drones on about how much fun she's going to have with that library card.

Mommy applies for Julsie's library card.

Giving her new library card to the librarian.

She wanted to sit down on the sidewalk and start reading her books.

Grandma let her walk on the bridge edge like we did when we were kids. They're tearing it down this summer.

And of course you have to slide off the end.


Jimmy Jam said...

tearing it down!!??!?!!??!

Ali said...

Yep. They're replacing it with a new bridge, so you'd better come visit in July so you can take one last slide.

Kristen said...

Ahhh, the library. I remember Liz and I used to go there when we were younger. And when we were older. :)

I'm still so sad about that bridge. That road in the middle of the field just looks unnatural.

Ali said...

I remember when Liz was a librarian there. Man, that made me feel old to see her at that desk.