Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Yamahama, it's fright night!

I refuse to believe I am the only person being utterly terrorized by this SNL skit.

I swear these guys are coming for me in my sleep.


Lex said...

Oh my goodness I LOVED it!! Maybe it was because I got to see Justin somewhat dancing again, even if it was only popping. But I thought it was hilarious!!! I love Justin Timberlake!!

Ali said...

He usually annoys me, but I will give you that JT was hilarious and charming when he hosted. And also the last time he hosted. But none of that changes the fact that this skit is flippin' DISTURBING!

Bill Hader's face is the stuff of nightmares and Taran Killiam looks like he's reaching out with the sole purpose of putting his hands around your throat. The first time they did it, Jim Carrey was the third guy and that only added to the terror. GAH!

Liz said...

oh, Bill Hader has a very disturbing face, poor guy.

good thing he has that whole sketch comedy thing going for him or he may have found myself mistakenly fingered as a serial killer.

Lex said...

Justin is always a great host!! They said they would make him a regular if he didn't already have an established career.

I totally get what you're saying. They are super creepy, but that is what makes it hilarious! I never saw the Jim Carrey one. I'll have to look it up!