Saturday, January 21, 2012

I do not cough for my own amusement.

I had a lazy day today, and what is a lazy day without a viewing of Pride and Prejudice (the far superior BBC version, of course)?

So, I'm watching the scene where Mr. Collins comes to visit and condole with the Bennet sisters in the midst of the Lydia/Wickham scandal, and there's this part where Kitty sees Mr. Collins' carriage approaching and she spits, "It's Mr. Collins. Well, I'm not gonna sit with him for anyone!" Then she runs off to hide in the bushes or whatever, and later sneaks up to the sitting room window like the world's worst spy in order to check if the coast is clear, melodramatically ducking out of sight when necessary. And I realized, yeah, that’s me. That is so something I would do. I’m Kitty Bennet. We’d all like to believe that we are Lizzy, but I am Kitty.

I'm making peace with this as best I can.

Also, that "What is it, Mama? Why are you winking at me? What am I to do?" bit is something I can completely relate to. Don't ever try to pass me a signal across the room in Mafia.

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