Monday, January 23, 2012

"An utter delight!"

So, I was in DC for a meeting this week, and I spent the evening in Silver Spring, Maryland getting a little pre-Oscar ready. The nominations are happening tomorrow morning, by the way, and I am super excited. Silver Spring is the site of an old, restored movie palace, the AFI Silver Theater, which I love and adore and which I thought would be a perfect place to see The Artist.

The Artist is a silent film about silent films, and it is wonderful. The opening scene shows a 1927 crowd enjoying a silent film in a fabulous movie palace not unlike the one I was sitting in. It was very cool. And the movie was an utter delight. I fully expect Best Picture, Best Actor, Best Supporting Actress, and Best Screenplay nominations for it tomorrow morning. Go see it immediately. You'll leave the theater walking on air.

And if you're ever passing through Silver Spring, stop in at the AFI and see a movie in this gorgeous theater. It's a movie lover's treat.


Kristen said...

Nice shot down the row of seats. I love old-fashioned theatres -- when I was little we used to go to a really cool one in Phoenixville (site of The Blob, if that's anything to brag about). Were you really there alone or did you just get there early?

Ali said...

I was alone in my row (that shot of the seats is only half the row) but I wasn't alone in the theater. I just waited till the end of the credits and took some shots of it cleared out. However, there were only about 20 of us in there, and in that cavernous space it felt like I had the whole place to myself. They also have an old fashioned ticket booth outside the theater. It's very cool.

I think I went to that theater in Pheonixville once. I think we saw Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade there. It had a balcony, right?

There's also a great old movie palace in Manhattan, but you can't tell from the outside that it's that big. It just looks like a regular building.

Kristen said...

Ooo, old fashioned ticket booth -- love it!

Yep, the Phoenixville theatre had a balcony. I distinctly remember spending most of my time staring at everything around me and not paying attention to the movie playing.