Sunday, August 5, 2012

Julia in Virginia

Last weekend, I had the cutest little house guest. Jen brought Jules down for a visit. We went swimming (for about 45 minutes until Julia declared she had had enough) and watched the Olympics on the fold-out couch bed in the living room (which delighted her to no end. A bed! In the living room!)

She also...

...took a bath in the big tub with lots of bubbles...

...then made herself a bubble beard, declared "I look like Gnomeo," and looked at her  reflection in the faucet while saying in a deep, Scottish voice, "Hello there, Juliet."

Then she found a vintage camera on my bookshelf and begged to have it mounted on my tripod. 

Then she walked around the apartment snapping fake photos and asking us to pose and smile. 

And when she wanted to take a photo of something higher up, she just lifted the camera, and the tripod along with it.

Then she gave me a manicure.

Tres chic, eh?

You're invited back anytime, Jules.

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