Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Olympic withdrawal already?

Yeah, me too. So check out the Twitter stream of the awesome and engaging Neil deGrasse Tyson, who, in honor of our Mars rover landing, enlightened us as to what the Olympics would be like on the red planet. Very cool.

The  arrives at the RedPlanet in the middle of the  back here on Earth. Hmmm...

How about a Mars ? Yes, all athletes would suffocate. Ignoring that complication -- way cooler than Earth .

If there was Swimming on Mars, the low temperature & low air pressure would force the pool to simultaneously freeze & boil.

If there was Cycling on Mars, try Olympus Mons -- a volcanic mountain 5x taller than Mont Blanc in the Alps.

Like to Kayak white waters? Valles Marineris on Mars is nearly 10x the length of Arizona's Grand Canyon.

With 1% of Earth's air density, Badminton on Mars would be different -- a shuttlecock to the face lands you in the hospital.

Rowing on Mars would log about the same race times. There's hardly any movement with or against the 62% lower gravity there.

Women's BeachVolleyball on Mars: No protective ozone layer there. Solar UV would irradiate all exposed legs, buns, & tummies

Gymnastics: On Mars, with only 38% of Earth's gravity, the Vault & other spring-assisted leaps would resemble circus cannons.

Weightlifters, whose sole job is to raise barbells from planets that attracts them, on Mars achieve 2.6x their personal bests

Congratulations to all medal winners in the 2012 : Gold Silver & Bronze (copper+tin). All forged in exploding Stars

Celebrities who use Twitter to tell us about their morning McDonald's run should take note. This is how it's done.

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