Wednesday, August 1, 2012

London, baby!

Olympics, Olympics, Olympics! I am DVRing every bit of coverage and I haven't looked back. Whilst ensconcing myself in Olympic coverage like George Costanza wanted to with velvet, I came up some fun facts.

Did you know...

...the Fab Five's fab leotards for the team competition (in which they completely DESTROYED) were encrusted with 4,437 crystals each? Each! I believe that qualifies as a boatload.

Check the stones.

If you're gonna win gold, you might as well shine like a diamond while you're doing it.

And speaking of significant numbers, here's some really cool info on the Olympic cauldron. It's made up of 204 individual copper torches, one for each competing nation.

Each torch petal entered the stadium along with each team during the parade of nations, and was then attached to the cauldron pipes in the center of the arena. I saw them carrying the petals, but I didn't realize what they were at the time.

And here's the coolest part. After the games, the torch will be dismantled and each petal sent home to the member countries, so every nation will have a piece of the cauldron. Still doesn't beat the magnificent cauldron lighting of the Barcelona Games, but incredibly cool, nonetheless.

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