Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Snow Day: PJs and comfort food

So, yeah, this is what constitutes a snow day in the DC area:

P.S. That's not ice; that is slush.

In my experience, snow days usually at least give kids a chance to go sledding. Not that I'm complaining. I slept in (very in) and I only got out of my PJs in order to shower and put on new PJs. I feel like Aunt Linda.

Also, I am watching season 1 of Homeland so as not to feel culturally illiterate when someone brings it up, which is all the time. (Now I will only feel culturally illiterate when people discuss Dr. Who!) I'm also enjoying some delicious comfort food, leftovers of something I made a couple days ago: Creamy chicken pappardelle.

I had some pappardelle from Trader Joe’s that I picked up because it looked so delicious and then I didn’t know what to cook with it. Then I discovered this recipe which reminded me of a pappardelle dish I had at Lidia’s in the Pittsburgh Strip District. That dish is seared in my mind as one of the most delicious, comfort-foody things I have ever eaten. Alas, it was one of Lidia’s seasonal pasta choices and I have been back several times hoping to catch them on a Roast Pork Pappardelle day and I never do.

So, when I saw this recipe and read the story about it being inspired by comfort food in the movie The Holiday, I knew my Trader Joe’s pappardelle had found its destiny, even if it did mean I’d have to handle raw chicken. (Raw chicken is the scariest of my terror meats, so you must realize how badly I wanted to try this dish that I was willing to go through the anguish of raw chicken.)

I highly recommend you check it out: The Best Pappardelle Dish You Will Have Outside of Lidia's Restaurant.

It was so delicious and the leftovers are just as good. Happy snow day!


Dad said...

So one is led to believe that all of government was closed, although I'm pretty sure that mail was delivered.

Ali said...

Oh, it certainly was!

Linda said...

For the record I own approximately 25 pairs of pajamas and I am wearing one of them right now. The sad part is sometimes my five favorite pairs of winter pajamas need laundering at the same time and I'm forced to wear my 6th favorite pair. Oh, the trouble I've seen.