Tuesday, January 20, 2009

My thoughts on the Presidential Inauguration

1. I love watching something that has never happened before. The history geek in me goes nuts and I like to let her go nuts as often as possible.

2. Whatever your politics, you must agree that our new President is an incredibly gifted public speaker.

3. This is appalling, but I had no idea the Chief Justice of our Supreme Court was so young.

4. I was getting really annoyed by CNN's little trivia tidbits at the bottom of the screen. They told me Obama was the 5th youngest man elected President, but they failed to tell me who the other four are. (I will not be so ungenerous: they are JFK, Bill Clinton - I would not have pegged that. Dude needs to invest in some moisturizer., U.S. Grant - Also wouldn't have pegged that, but he had just fought a war., and Teddy Roosevelt, who was 46 when elected to his second term and just 42--younger than any other Prez--when he stepped into McKinley's assassinated shoes four years earlier.)

5. Aretha Franklin's hat was fabulous.

6. I was made extremely uncomfortable by the way Pastor Rick Warren pronounced the names of Obama daughters Malia and Sasha. If you didn't see it, go find it on CNN or YouTube. I defy you not to be uncomfortable with me.

7. I am always amazed at how we all gather together every four or eight years and watch the most powerful man in the world willingly give up the reins of government. A few centuries ago such a thing would have been unthinkable, and now it's become so common, we don't even stop to think about what an amazing thing that is.


Liz said...

OOOOHHH!!! Rick Warren totally creeped me out!

Also, Becky and my Mom and visiting me right now and we're sitting here having a conversation about the youngest president ever and Aretha Franklin's ginormous hat :)

Becky said...

Ali, instead of being where you are you should be here in Liz and Zack's living room where we (mom, those two, me and Wes) seem to be having the exact same conversation that you are having in your head :)

We just spent the last hour or two swapping presidential history facts (including the one that you graced us with in your blog), and when Aretha got up to sing this exchange was heard:

Me: That is a stinking huge bow!
(Unnamed female relative of mine): Well, that is a stinking huge woman!

:) I agree about the watching historical events. priceless.

Ali said...

Oh, I wish I had been there, especially to hold Wes. This is probably going to be the president that he and Jules rememeber when they look back on their childhood, the way we remember the Reagan years. Well, Liz, you probably remember the Bush years like that. Or maybe the Clinton years!

I am old.

Kristen said...

At my work we all crammed into one lady's office to watch it online. Totally with you on that hat, and that Rev. needs to rethink his delivery. Creeeeeepy. If I was Michelle Obama I would have hastily removed my girls from the setting. Oddly enough no one else in my office was bothered by the way he said their names! Love the little presidential facts, Ali -- boy I am rusty on that stuff!

Ali said...

No one else in your office was bothered by the way he said the names? Oh man, it sent shock waves through the room I was sitting in. People were whispering, "What was that?" and shooting each other looks like, "Did you just hear that, too?" Afterwards, my co-worker remarked that Warren sounded like he was calling strippers to the stage. Very inappropriate.