Thursday, January 15, 2009

"Yes, Doctor, I realize it was foolish to eat the cookie."

So I overheard some of my co-workers talking about Girl Scout cookies. Apparently it's once again time for those peppy, chipper little girls to start hocking their sugar wafers. And that's when I had a terrible realization, and I went to my desk drawer, and pulled out a FULL BOX OF SAMOAS! Never opened! And what's worse is that while I think they're from last year, in my heart of hearts I know they might be even older. Strangely, though, they look exactly the same.

I was tempted to try to bite into one, but I didn't want to contract a severe case of food poisoning and then have to explain to emergency room personnel that I ate a cookie that was at least a year old, possibly older, just to guage the preservative qualities of Girl Scout sweets.

This year, I'm sticking to Thin Mints.

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