Thursday, November 5, 2009

9-1-what the crap is going on here?

So, this past Saturday my friends and I went to Pittsburgh for a glorious day of Ikea, Dave and Buster's, and the most magnificent meal at Lidia's in the Strip District. Have you been? Go. Go now. Drop what you’re doing and go now.

Anyway, on our way there, we noticed the car in front of us was weaving dangerously all over the road and we decided to call 911. I won't go into the details, but I was bounced back and forth between several Indiana and Westmoreland County operators, each of whom were convinced I belonged with the other. Then, just to be more mischievous, the weaving driver turned back toward Cambria County, sending me on to another operator, who repeatedly asked me, "Which way is the car headed?" I repeated, again, "Toward Ebensburg." And then added, "By way of weaving all over the road."

After talking to seven different people, I was finally transferred to the State Police who asked me for some nearby landmarks. I asked my friends what was nearby and P offered, "We just passed Streekers." (Streekers is a strip club, and yes, I had to look up the correct spelling.) I covered the mouthpiece with my hand and hissed, "I am NOT saying that to a police officer. Find me another landmark!"

When the officer promised to send a trooper out, and we decided we had done all we could so we turned around, even though I really wanted to keep following and watch the guy get pulled over. I imagined all sorts of melodramatic DUI tests or maybe some meth in the glovebox.

Anyway, if you ever need emergency assistance, try not to need it near the county line.


Anonymous said...

Streekers probably would be the best landmark in that area. The state cops I'm sure get a lot of DUI's around there....and maybe make some visits themselves...who knows.

Melissa K said...

You forgot to mention when you 'screamed' at one police officer, "I have been transfered 5 times and I SURE hope you are the person who can help me!!" hahaha