Sunday, November 15, 2009

Perhaps my delight in the failures of others should worry me. Perhaps.

"This is me showing fear. Or wait, maybe it's anger. Or love. Oh, I don't know! I do them all the same."

So, New Moon comes out this Friday, as various television ads and every magazine printed in English is reminding me. Part of me is hoping it's better than Twilight, because despite their appeal to starry-eyed teenage girls, I really did enjoy those books very much. But part of me hopes it's just as heinous as the first movie so that I can enjoy all the unintentional comedy. I'm particularly looking forward to watching Kristen Stewart desperately try to emote.

And as long as we're talking about my delight in the misfortunes of others, did you see the Pats-Colts game tonight? What could be better than watching Bill Belichick choke on his own hubris? Watching him cry just after choking on his own hubris. He denied me that pleasure, but I suppose we can't have it all.


Kristen said...

Ha, I love your caption for that photo.

Jimmy Jam said...

The rifftrax for Twilight was AWESOME. made that film so much better.

Ali said...

I had my own little rifftrax going on in my head while I watched the movie, but I'm sure I wasn't as witty as Mike. Just far more bitter.

Linda said...

Generally one restrains oneself from using the word "hubris" twice in the same article. Doing so shows a great amount of hubris on the part of the author. Kindly amend you behavior in keeping with social mores of the day.

Jimmy Jam said...

"But what do I know? Im just your typically, abnormally confident, world weary, 16 year old female protagonist. Teehee!"

Ali said...

No more arrogance than, say, using the word "hubris" twice in a comment one leaves?