Tuesday, January 18, 2011

An ode to January

Everywhere I go, people seem down on January. “It’s such a bummer of a month,” I've heard people say. Well, I declare that that’s kooky talk. I love January. Truly adore it. Here are just some of the reasons why…

1. Everything is new again and a fresh start seems truly possible. Out with the old and in with the organizing. My house never looked so good.
2. I love winter. Everything about it. The sparkle of the ice, the crunch of snow beneath my feet, the spectacular way everything smells. Cool and icy and fresh, so much better than the sickly overwhelming scents that bombard me in summer.
3. Oscar-readiness begins! Plus, the Golden Globes and SAG awards are on.
4. Delays and cancellations and the promise of maybe, just maybe, if we’re lucky, getting good and snowed-in.
5. Hot cocoa, blankets, and books.
6. Leftover Christmas candy.
7. Fresh new calendars and day planners.
8. When you take your Christmas tree down, it feels like your room doubles in size. It’s like found space. My living room looks huge during January.
9. I start getting all my tax documents in the mail which makes me start dreaming of what I might do with my refund check.
10. It’s quiet. After the decadence of the holidays, January is when it’s perfectly acceptable to spend the evening doing nothing, enjoying the calm of a still house. That feeling is precious as diamonds.


Anonymous said...

it's actually not January that depresses me, it's februaury. By then I'm sick of the cold and snow.

Unknown said...

Very nicely put!

Kristen said...

#3 and #5: YES!