Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Well, it's about time.

Looks like I won't have to switch to wretched AT&T after all. Finally!


Many thanks to J for the lovely news.


Jimmy Jam said...

ummm..switch. You want to get that email I just sent you While on the phone while on verizon? Forgetaboutit. You on the phone and want to look up diections?...forgetaboutit.

Verizon should get with the program and leave CDMA back with the stone age.


Ali said...

I can count on one hand the number of times I've needed to check my email while talking on my cellphone. On one finger the number times I've needed to look up directions (I have a TomTom). However, the number of times my friend has not been able to access the internet on her iPhone because of the hideous AT&T network? Many, many times, in my presence alone.

Plus, and here's the kicker, I will be able to use the Verizon iPhone as a WiFi connection for my iPad. Running two devices on the same data plan = saving $30 a month. With better coverage. Yes, please!