Monday, August 27, 2007

Things I Have Learned While Helping to Put Together a Crib

1. Pay attention to where you set down that Allen wrench.
2. Electric screw guns are roughly as essential to life as oxygen.
3. When someone eagerly stands back and allows you to engage the locking pins over the base board, it’s because he knows that the process will bend back and/or split your nails and he is taking advantage of your naiveté.
4. When you perform this task on camera, you are creating a semi-permanent record of your clumsiness.


Anonymous said...

Things that don't mix well:

oil and water

Goths and Romans

Ali and tools

Anonymous said...

The lessons Mark learned while putting together a crib:
1.) the parts are cheap & tend to break.
2.) the parts are cheap and don't always fit the way they are supposed to. (there's supposed to be a drawer that goes underneath our crib, but not one single piece of the wood was cut right to use it.)

...did I mention the parts are cheap?

Unknown said...

I was actually thinking today if you even knew how to put together a crib. I would love to see the video!